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Proposed Administrative Regulations

The administrative regulations are also available on the Legislative Research Commission’s website, at

KAR #Summary
201 KAR 36:050This administrative regulation establishes the complaint and administrative hearing process to address alleged violations brought before the board. Section 5 uses the term “private reprimand” for non-serious statutory or regulatory offenses and is being amended to use the term “private admonishment”, which is consistent with KRS 335.540(3). KRS 335.545 provides that a hearing is required before imposing a written reprimand. Therefore, this amendment will bring the regulation into compliance with the authorizing statutes. Additionally, this amendment will include instructions with the Complaint Form and correct the form number in the material incorporated by reference. Finally, a new section advising complainants a release of medical records may be necessary under HIPAA and a new medical release form is included in the material incorporated by reference.
KAR TitleFiling DateEmailProposed Administrative RegulationRegulatory Impact StatementAmended MIRPublic Comment Meeting Notice
Complaints Management Process11/11/2024sara.janes@ky.govLPC Reg Filed 10 
DPL-LPC-11- Complaint with instructions CLEAN 
DPL-LPC-12 Medical Release Form CLEAN 
No Public Hearing 36_050 NOTICE FOR WEBSITE_REV 
KAR #Summary
201 KAR 36:100KRS 335.560, Section 16.B.1. requires the Board of Licensed Professional Counselors to review any rule adopted by the Counseling Compact pursuant to Section 11 of KRS 335.560 within sixty (60) days of adoption for the purpose of filing the rule as an emergency administrative regulation pursuant to KRS 13A.190 and for filing the rule as an accompanying ordinary administrative regulation pursuant to KRS Chapter 13A. This administrative regulation incorporates by reference the rules adopted by the Counseling Compact. This ordinary amendment incorporates two (2) new rules adopted by the Counseling Commission, Chapter 5. Rulemaking on Legacy Eligibility for Privilege to Practice, and Chapter 6. Rulemaking on Implementing Criminal Background Checks.
KAR TitleFiling DateEmailProposed Administrative RegulationRegulatory Impact StatementAmended MIRPublic Comment Meeting Notice
Counseling Compact12/19/2023sara.janes@ky.govStamped Copy of 201 KAR 36 100 
201 KAR 36 
MIR 36 
Website Notice Chart for LPC Counseling Compact E and O Regs (002) 
Public Hearing Cancellation 36_100 NOTICE FOR WEBSITE 
KAR #Summary
201 KAR 36:100EKRS 335.560, Section 16.B.1. requires the Board of Licensed Professional Counselors to review any rule adopted by the Counseling Compact pursuant to Section 11 of KRS 335.560 within sixty (60) days of adoption for the purpose of filing the rule as an emergency administrative regulation pursuant to KRS 13A.190 and for filing the rule as an accompanying ordinary administrative regulation pursuant to KRS Chapter 13A. This administrative regulation incorporates by reference the rules adopted by the Counseling Compact. This emergency amendment incorporates two (2) new rules adopted by the Counseling Commission, Chapter 5. Rulemaking on Legacy Eligibility for Privilege to Practice, and Chapter 6. Rulemaking on Implementing Criminal Background Checks.
KAR TitleFiling DateEmailProposed Administrative RegulationRegulatory Impact StatementAmended MIRPublic Comment Meeting Notice
Counseling Compact E Reg12/19/2023sara.janes@ky.gov201 KAR 36 
Stamped copy of 201 KAR 36 100E 
Regulatory Impact Analysis 36 
MIR 36